Do the 41,000 different Christian denominations comply with YHVH's plan of salvation? [Torah Teacher: Aaron]

Torah Teacher hosting this online Midrash: Aaron

  • Who are the Two Houses of the Commonwealth of Israel?
  • Who are the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel that Yeshua spoke about?
  • Will the Two Houses be restored?
  • Did the church replace Israel?
  • How were both Judah and Ephraim blinded?
  • Are the Orthodox Jews blinded or not?
  • Are the Christian Churches blinded or not?
  • Who will partake in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

Remember our motto: We Inform You Choose



  1. I have heard many many Pasors telling me that today' Believers and the Church has replaced Israel and that God is done with Israel...

  2. This is what is called "replacement theology" and is unbiblical. The church has never been called to replace Israel and YHVH's salvation plan has always included the two houses of Israel and Judah (Jews as we know them).

  3. I actually came across a church website that says: "The church has replaced Israel as the stewards and custodians of God's revelation in this present age". Based on scriptures? .............

    1. The latest garbage I have heard is that Y'shua (Jesus) is a myth and that the Roman aristocracy "invented" Him to keep the lower classes happy!!!!!! Where do they GET these things? There is a church in the USA that is situated next to a nudist colony and everybody, including the Pastor AND HIS WIFE, GO TO CHURCH NAKED!!!!! When asked about this he replied that God created him naked so why should he not appear so in church? There is another group who, having been prayed for, crawl around on the floor making animal noises!!!!! Another group needs to vomit on the church floor to get rid of Satan and/or Disease!!!!! Seems like going to church these days is all for the fun of the game!!!!!

    2. Fully agree with you Jakov, believers will accept at any form of what they think is the correct way, but it leads eventually to destruction...

  4. Some of my Christians friends always ask me..." How do you really know that you are part of Israel?".... This is the question!

  5. The largest part of the modern-day church, today, is under the impression that Israel and the Jews are synonymous however, if we study the Word of YHVH we see that this is not the case at all. HaSatan has blinded the Church to the truth of the salvation plan of YHVH through Yeshua is enclosed in the two houses of Israel. The whole salvation plan of YHVH is based on the relationship of a Bride and the Groom in covenant marriage. We see this as early as Gen 2. The typologies or patterns through the TaNaCh ( Old testament) many times indicate this marriage relationship as the key to salvation.

    The Church furthermore has been blinded to the real meaning of "Gentiles" as included in Bible translations. Many churches proclaim that gentiles and heathens are synonymous however this is not the case either. This frame of mind shuts us off from the truth as the Word of YHVH requires us to understand in order to have insight into His plan of salvation for His children. The Hebrew word for multitude of nations is "melo ha’ goyim" Meaning "the fullness of the nations." From a Greek mind-set, "nations" means "gentiles."

    So who is Israel? As said, in this mind-set that the Church largely has that Israel and the Jews are synonymous, it goes without saying that it is believed that the Torah was given to the Jews. This is an unbiblical statement and not supported in Scripture at all.

    So we need to start off by having clarity on whom the Hebrews are and who the Jews are. To think that the covenant at Sinai (Ex 19) was given to the Jews only is unscriptural and unbiblical in every sense of the word. Nowhere in the Bible is this statement supported and this is a huge stumbling block for the Church and her followers.

    We talk about the Elohim of Avraham (Abraham), Yitzchak (Isaac) and Yacov (Jacob) but we rarely look at the nationality of these three. When we study the Word of YHVH, we can follow the genealogy of Avraham, who was a descendant of Noah. Avraham was a gentile when he was called by YHVH. He (Avraham) was called out of the city of Ur in Chaldea (Gen 12). Avraham then moved from Chaldea to Canaan then to Egypt and then back to Canaan (Gen 13). In Gen 14:13 Avraham, or Abram at that time, was called a Hebrew for the very first time. The root word for Hebrew is "Abar" which means to "crossover" . The descendants of Avraham were called Hebrews from there onwards. Yitzchak (Isaac), the son of Avraham was a Hebrew because his father was a Hebrew and never called a "Jew." This goes without saying. The son of Yitzchak (Isaac) was Jacob and also never called a Jew but Syrian (Deut 26:5). We know that Jacob's name was changed by YHVH and he becomes Israel (Gen 32) that the first time that the name Israel is mentioned in the Bible. We can thus clearly see that Israel and the "Jews" are not the same. We know that Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons and one of these 12 sons (later becoming 12 tribes of Israel) was called Judah. From Judah the name "Jew" is derived as we know them today and thus forms part of the 12 tribes of Israel but is definitely not synonymous to the whole of Israel and all 12 tribes. The Church got this horribly wrong.

  6. Does the Christian want to be part of the New Yerusalem?
    Do they believe the Revelation of Y'shua?
    Then must all the nations understand Rev 21. If they want to drink of the "living waters" freely, you have to know Him as He was from the beginning to the end and not think like most He only starts at the "middle", as He is the Aleph and Tav,
    You will enter the gates of heaven through the 12 gates which are guarded by our Archfathers of Yisrael.
    Those which are saved out of the nations will see the Light of the Lamb, just like Isaiah 60:3 also says.

    1. Christians firmly believe they are going to heaven. By spiritualizing Scripture they believe that all this about the New Jerusalem's layout, 12 gates, 12 foundations, names on the gates of the tribes of Israel, etc. cannot be taken litterally. They have spiritual meanings and therefore they can mean anything. How do you get our beloved Christians to steer away fromf such thinking?

    2. With love by showing them that they need to become part of Israel, part of the lost sheep that got scattered throughout the world and now to get back into covenant with YHVH in order to enter the New Jerusalem.
      Also the whole salvation plan of YHVH is from the beginning form the Torah of Moshe, the Nevi'im, the prophets to the B'rit Chadasha and not seperate from each other.
      Also that YHVH, the Messiah and the Ruach is Echad and not a Trinity doctrine.

  7. Who is the Wild Olive tree and who is the Cultivated Olive Tree of Rom 11 ?

    1. Excuse me for jumping into this great conversation a bit late. When talking about this subject I believe one principle will always clear things up. Yeshayahu 46:9-10 gives the clear principle that the END is revealed out of the BEGINNING. Where does the BEGINNING start, with ADAM and CHAVAH (EVE). One ADAM and one CHAVAH in the beginning and therefore one bridegroom and one bride at the very end.

      The foundation to this question that is being addressed here, is, "Who are the children of YHWH? How do you become a child of YHWH?

      Nature teaches us that it is the seed (sperm) given by a man, that enters an egg cell of a woman. When these to parts unite, life has began.
      When the child is born, he/she will have the seed of the father in them and that is what makes that specific child the father's child.
      Question? What is the Seed of YHWH? Luke 8:11 Yeshua says, the seed is the word.
      Receiving YHWH's word (seed) into your heart through faith (emunah - which is a feminine Hebrew word) which is the response needed to produce life.

      If the requirement to become a child of YHWH is, to receive His Word by Faith (which in Hebrew is responding to it through action) and thus makes a person a child of YHWH. (Please correct me if you see that my logic is unscriptural) Then it means that Yoch. 1:12-13 is what we need to correctly understand as the pertaining to who are the Children of YHWH.

      But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name,
      who were born, not of blood nor of the desire of flesh nor of the desire of man, but of Elohim. (Yochanan 1:12-13 ISR)

      The Children of YHWH, whom we call the Children of Isra'el or by various other names, the Bride, the congregation, etc... Are NOT His people through physical descent, but are the people who believe in Him and follow His ways, His Word.

      This is what I believe is the foundation of the issue at hand in this discussion. Who are the people of YHWH and how did they become His people. The traditional view and understading was that Isra'el is the people of YHWH through natural descent, because the Scriptures refer to the descendants of Abraham, Yitschaq and Ya'aqov. But if you stop and think about it for one moment, does this Scripture mean the physical people coming from their bodies, who even if they turn away from YHWH and serve other gods that He will still give them the promised land and that they will still bless the world. I do not see how that is a correct interpretation of that Scripture and also the rest of the Scriptures. Each man will stand alone in front of YHWH at Judgement day, to give an account of what they did and not from whom they were born.

      Does all flesh and blood not come from ONE MAN.

      Therefore, the Wild Olive tree in Romans 11 is refering to anyone who has received the Seed of YHWH which is His Word and has been united with those who already are in the "Natural Olive Tree". I believe this term "the natural Olive Tree" is refering to those who were in Sha'ul's days already believing in Yeshua as the Mashi'ach. Everything in the Scriptures are interconnected with one another, therefore Sha'ul is not making a "stand alone" teaching or statement, it is most definatly referring back to Ezekiel 37.

      We clearly se that what once was a divided house becomes a united house in the end. This is ofcourse what many ancient Rabbis believed the work of the Messiah will be, to first re-unite the house of Isra'el and then to establish the Messianic Kingdom.

      Let me leave you with one question,
      If a farmer sows ONE kind of seed in his field, how many KINDS of Trees will grow out of the ground?

    2. Rom 11:11-27, "I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness? For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? For if the first fruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree? For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins (1 John 3:4 – violating Torah)."

      He speaks of the branches of the olive tree broken off but then he speaks about the branches of the wild olive tree, grafted into the cultivated olive tree. This makes a lot of sense when we understand the two houses of Israel. First we need to understand what the difference is between a "wild olive tree" and "cultivated olive tree". A cultivated olive tree is an olive tree that grows inboard (in controlled environment / in controlled orchard) while a wild olive tree is an olive tree that grows outboard (out of controlled environment / outside controlled orchard).

      These two olive trees symbolize the two houses of Israel. The cultivated olive tree symbolizes the house of Judah (Jews) staying in the protected environment of YHVH (in the Torah) whilst the wild olive tree symbolizes the house of Israel "scattered amongst the nations", leaving the Torah (controlled orchard) of YHVH and YHVH giving them a bill of divorce (Jer 3:8). The Word of YHVH teaches us in Matthew chapter 7 to recognize a tree by its fruit.

      Rom 11:11 goes on to teach that, because Yeshua says that He came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and YHVH will make a new covenant with both the houses of Israel and the house of Judah (Jer 31:31), when the lost sheep of the house of Israel come into covenant and are saved through Mashiach, this will provoke the house oh Judah (Jews) to jealousy and they will come into new Covenant under Yeshua as Messiah. There is only one Bride. The house of Israel and Judah will once again become one in covenant with YHVH - One Bride (Ezek 37). Throughout the Word, the patterns of YHVH remains the same:
      The 12 Tribes with 1 King

    3. This is my understanding as well Aaron. The same principle applied to the prodical son etc...

  8. Shalom brother Aaron, I agree with you that from the beginning we have one bride and one bridegroom. We then see many stories after the fall of man, but in the end we see the restored relationship between One bridegroom and One bride.

    As we study and go back to the "ancient path", it is imperative that we study the Hebrew Language and Culture in order to see and understand the Scripture from a purely Hebraic way. We cannot mix a 1700 years of Westernized Gentile Church teaching and understanding with an ancient near eastern culture, which is the only culture in which all of the Scriptures have been written.

    An Hebraic perspective of the Scriptures is a very basic and simple one. All of the teaching and understanding in ALL of the Scriptures can be easily understood by the natural things of creation. A seed, a tree, a fruit, the wind, the rain and the ground. Rom. 1:19-20...

    Shalom aleichem

  9. Some food for thought:

    Sometimes when I read the scriptures I am time and again reminded of Yisrael stiff necked, rebelliousness. People that boast today about being grafted into Yisrael should rather feel ashamed about Yisrael's written biblical history. Eze 36:31

    It made me contemplate about Yahweh's plan of restoration; Restore Judah and House of Yisrael? Break down the middle wall of partition between us? Restore His nation? Restore His Kingship?

    If restoration means making, today, Yisrael (Ephraim & Judah) one, will the people listen to Yahweh and not be rebellious, and follow Him wholeheartedly, be actually different from history? If I look around today in this age of "Grace", then I would say unforunately not! Some have the Torah, some have Yeshua, but still the same old Biblical Yisrael.

    Firstly, Eze.36:26 still needs to be completely fulfilled today. His people needs a change of heart, a new heart, the heart of stone completely removed. Secondly, John 17:21 say's: “And I do not pray for these alone, but also for those believing in Me through their word,[21] so that they all might be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so that they too might be one in Us, so that the world might believe that You have sent Me. [22] And the esteem which You gave Me I have given them, so that they might be one as We are one,"

    When our hearts really change, and we seek Yahweh and love Him with all our heart and serve Him because He Is our Creator, Mighty King & Father, we will become less and He will become more! This is the foundation of being one! Making space for the other even if I need to become smaller! Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572) maintained that Yahweh created the world by an act of tzimtzum -- a voluntary withdrawal or contraction -- in order to "make room" for His creation. The first creative act was this voluntary humbling of Himself as He made room for other forms of life.

    Yahweh's basis of restoration is based on our voluntary humbling of ourselves to make room for the other. Is this not the "Torah and Prophets"? Lev.19:18; Matt.22:40 - You might say that this "Love you neighbour" is being preached forever. Yes, but it is not a reality, not totally in practise yet!




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