How did Noah know what was kosher animals? [Torah Teacher: Levi]

Torah Teacher hosting this online Midrash: Levi

  • How did he distinguish between clean and unclean animals?
  • Was this Kosher Law based on the Torah?
  • If so, where did it originate? 
  • How was this Torah Laws known and taught to the next generation?
  • Is this still applicable today?

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  1. This is a puzzling question, how did the Believers in the Old Covenent, before Mt Sinai, know the Torah? Who taught them?

  2. Gen 1:29 GOD gave the seeding plants and trees with fruit to man to eat, no animal yet. Were there poisonous plants and seeds man could not eat? When did man get the approval to eat animals?

    1. All trees were good for food in the beginning, there was nothing poisonous according to Scripture

    2. After the flood man started to eat meat as the nature of animals also change after the flood, am I correct?

    3. Everything was good to eat in the Garden of Eden

  3. Why could man not eat animals in the Garden of Eden?

    1. That is a good question... can somebody help

  4. GOD's creation was according to His Torah. He said to Noah in Gen 7 clearly what is identified as clean and unclean as well.

  5. Could we consider that they could not eat meat as eating meat would require death and there was no death prior to sin??

    1. That is a good statement Aaron, but there was sin before the flood, does it mean that they ate meat before the flood or did it only started after the flood?

  6. I believe that the Torah has existed since before Lucifer was evicted from Heaven and that it was used as the basis for doing so. YHWH and every creature in Heaven has always had the Torah as a form of control for all things that happened.

    1. Is there any Scriptre Jacov to say the Torah has been from before time?

  7. Creation was according to the Torah guidelines, as YHVH created earth according to Torah, 6 days did He work and the shabbat he rested (not that He needed to rest, as He is our Elohim).

  8. when did the first animal slaughter took place?

    1. In the garden of Eden, when YHVH covered thier nakedness with animal skins. Animals Adam named.

    2. Correct, YHVH did the 1st sacrifice

  9. Ok I understand that they kept the Torah, but how did they get to know the knowledge?

    1. Adam lived near to 950 years, he had the original revelation for he walked with YHVH, and was clothed with His light and splendour . I think they talked about everything, and i think they had some kind of telapathic link to each other and maybe to the animals too, I dont suppose that its something one will forget, he could have told a lot of people. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also had some of the revelation and he wrote it down. A lot of the evil knowledge they recieved from the fallen angels which came down in the age of Jared

  10. Ho, ho, all must be revealed by Scripture and we can not make our own assumptions, never.
    How did they know they were naked?

    1. The body is the physical covering for both the man’s spirit and soul. This covering is confirmed in 2 Corinthians 5:1–4: . glory.  When Adam and Eve were first created, Genesis 2:25 tells us that they “were both naked and were not ashamed.”  It was not until they sinned that their nakedness was evidenced.  Adam then replied to Yahweh when He was seeking him: “I was afraid because I was naked” (Genesis 3:10).  What made the difference?  In Psalm 104:1–2 we read: “O Yahweh my God, you are very great; You are clothed with splendour and majesty, covering Yourself with light as with a cloak.”  Before Adam and Eve sinned, Yahweh was their covering, taking full responsibility for them; and whether literally or simply governmentally, they were clothed by His splendour, His light.But when Adam and Eve sinned they became naked, evidenced to them in their own eyes.  This spiritual covering—the light and splendour of Yahweh—had been removed. In like parallel testimony, we find in 2 Corinthians 3:7–11 that when the glory that covered Moses’s face faded, similarly, the appropriate response was for Moses to veil, or cover, his face with a cloth.  His “nakedness” in the absence of Yahweh’s glory, as with Adam and Eve, necessitated a substitutionary covering. We see then that clothing is distinctly spiritual in function, providing a substitutionary spiritual covering for the original splendour that had once covered man. 




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