Will the Third Temple be built next to the Dome of the Rock? [Torah Teacher: Israel]

Torah Teacher hosting this online Midrash: Israel

There is a lot of controversy concerning the rebuilding of the Temple. We would like you to join in and help us answer the following questions:

  • Will the Temple be rebuilt?
  • If so, will the Dome of the Rock be demolished?
  • Why does it say in Revelation chapter 11 that the outer court must be left out?
  • Why does Ezekiel say there must be a wall between the Holy and the unholy?
  • Wasn't  Isaac and Ishmael, sons of Abraham, both blessed by YHWH?

Remember our motto: We Inform You Choose



  1. Beloved friend, do you think that there is a possibility for the Third Jewish Temple to be rebuilt next to the Dome of Rock? Is there a slightest possibility?

  2. It seems with the events today, just impossible!

  3. Anything is possible however unlikely. For example the dome may just cave in due to an earthquake or on account of its weight due to the subterranean excavations. Someone may uncover evidence that the threshing floor was due south of the Dome.

    1. Dear Ro Ri, Isaiah 11:9 says "They do no evil nor destroy in all My set-apart mountain, for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of YHWH as the waters cover the sea." Meaning Mount Moriah can and will never be damaged, nor external or by YHWH Himself. The Temple must be built north of the Dome of the Rock in line with the Eastern Gate which Ezekiel prohecied about.

  4. The Jews are completely positive that the third Temple is a very real possibility. They have already drawn the plans, manufactured everything that is to go into the Third Temple and are training young Cohens to do the sacrificial slaughterings. They have stated that, when the word is given, they will have the building of this Temple completed in three months! Knowing a little bit about Jewish resolve, I believe that it is nearly done!

    1. Fully agree Jakov. I was at the Temple Institute a couple of times and let me tell you the material is ready, all is needed is the word "go"

  5. @ Ro Ri, Isaiah 11:9 says "They do no evil nor destroy in all My set-apart mountain, for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of YHWH as the waters cover the sea." Meaning Mount Moriah can and will never be damaged, nor external or by YHWH Himself. The Temple must be built north of the Dome of the Rock in line with the Eastern Gate which Ezekiel prohecied about.

  6. First they have to be positive where the threshingfloor of Ornan is. 1Ch 21:18 Then the angel of the LORD commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up, and set up an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. This is an excerpt from Margreet Steiner's Excerpted from the July/August 1998 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review

    It's Not There: Archaeology Proves a Negative
    Margreet Steiner " Failure to publish the evidence from the large excavations conducted in Jerusalem since 1960 has created severe problems for scholars who wish to evaluate the Jerusalem of these periods. The directors of all four major excavations died without writing final reports. Between 1961 and 1967 Kathleen Kenyon excavated on the southeastern hill known as the City of David, the oldest inhabited part of Jerusalem. From 1968 to 1978, following the Six-Day War, Benjamin Mazar excavated south of the Temple Mount in the area known as the Ophel. Nahman Avigad excavated in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City from 1969 to 1983. And Yigal Shiloh excavated the City of David from 1978 to 1985. Not one final report from these excavations has been completed, although teams of archaeologists are now working on them in Jerusalem; Manchester, England; and Leiden, the Netherlands…." As you can see following the Six-Day War, Benjamin Mazar excavated south of the Temple Mount in the area known as the Ophel but these reports were not completed not too long ago.

  7. http://www.templemountfaithful.org/Newsletters/2001/5761-10.htm

  8. The link above shows First Temple Period Archeological Discoveries South of the Temple Mount

    1. Dear Ro Ri, the Temple must be built north of the Dome of the Rock in line with the Eastern Gate which Ezekiel prohecied about. Scripture proves the opposite, the Temple according to Scriptural explanation below clearly indicates north of the Dome of the Rock. It must be in line with the present Eatern Gate (Double Gate/Golden Gate) or else there is a fault with Ezekiel's endtime prophecies

  9. The possibility definitely exists that the Antichrist will allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple without the courtyard north of the Dome of the Rock directly in line with the Eastern Gate on Mount Moriah. Because of the strong presence of the Muslims in this area (referring to the Dome of the Rock that takes up the space), the Temple’s “outer court” cannot be completely rebuilt. Ezek 42:20 says there will be a wall between the Holy (Temple) and the unholy (Dome of the Rock), between Abraham’s two brothers Yitzhak and Ishmael (whom he both blessed). This is possibly why the area outside the Temple building is not to be measured; this area belongs to non-Jews, the present Dome of the Rock of the Muslim world (Rev 11:2)

  10. The UN will be the Gentiles who will ensure peace between the two brothers whilst the Temple will be rebuilt, which is reference to “Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles”. The Tabernacle will be used (Rev 13:6) during the first 3½ years whilst the Temple is being rebuilt. Ezekiel prophesied that the Messiah will come through the Eastern Gate (Ezek 43:1-2). Ezekiel also prophesied that this Gate would be sealed up until the Messiah comes through it (Ezek 44:1-3). The Antichrist will have to duplicate this for the Jews to accept him. He will possibly have the Gate opened when he inaugurates the Tabernacle/Temple.

  11. Ezekiel had seen the Gate in detail (Ezek 40:6-9) and the wall around Jerusalem (Ezek 40:16) in a vision 2,500 years ago, and during his time there was not a wall around the city. The wall was only rebuilt ±500 years ago. In his vision (Ezek 41:1) he was shown the Tabernacle (tent), which points out that the Tabernacle will be used first while the Temple is being built (Rev 13:6). A wall will be built around the holy Tabernacle/Temple (250 x 250 meters) to separate it from the unholy Dome of the Rock (Ezek 42:20). This will last for 3½ years (the first half of the seven-year Tribulation period) until the Antichrist declares himself God in the Temple and demands to be worshipped. (42 months of 30 days each – do not forget that the Jewish calendar contains 12 months of 30 days each). The Jews will then flee to escape persecution, and the entire Temple plus the area around it will then be taken by the Antichrist (Rev 12:6; 13:5). It is a real possibility that the Antichrist armies (in other words, the United Nations peace keeping forces) will control the Temple Mount, during the first 3½ years.

  12. Do you agree with the above?



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